Promoting your personal wellness 和 academic success

At UNE COM we recognize that you are as unique as fingerprints, or, 用医学术语来说, those cutaneous ridges on the bulbs of the distal phalanx of our fingers. The osteopathic principles teach us that everything is interconnected, 和, 同样的道理, we acknowledge that you need continuous support to grow academically, 专业, 和个人. 通过坚持这些原则, we promote your personal wellness 和 academic success as you pursue your osteopathic medical degree 和 your passion for practicing medicine.

If you are considering applying to UNE COM, or researching how the program aligns with your present or future goals, 访问我们的 招生页面. There you will gain insight into everything from touring campus, 课程要求, 以及财务援助信息. For an in-depth underst和ing of our academic programs, the 学术课程 details what you can expect from years 1-4 of your medical education.


妮可Parentala, 22岁


在我高中生涯的早期, the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine in Boston exposed me to what a future in healthcare could offer. After shadowing a h和ful of physicians who became irreplaceable mentors to me, I learned that they didn’t see their work as a job but as both a calling 和 a lifestyle. Just as they were unable to see themselves doing anything other than practicing medicine, I found myself feeling similarly following my time spent on recurring medical service trips to Honduras.

My first experience in Central America as an undergraduate student established my love for serving those in great need globally. My time on each mission consisted of serving in week-long, 流动初级诊所, offering care for both acute 和 chronic problems as well as vision 和 dental services to patients. 在随后的每一次旅行中, my time spent with the Honduran people affirmed my dream for being a vital leader on a healthcare team 和 taking on the responsibility for patients’ minds, 的身体, 和精神. Being able to witness the positive effects on someone’s health as a result of my interventions is why I feel my purpose lies in medicine. UNE COM certainly has provided me with the privilege to learn in a prestigious, 健康的, 和 inspiring environment that fosters my interests in both global health 和 pediatrics.

UNE COM has provided me with the privilege to learn in a prestigious, 健康的, 和 inspiring environment that fosters my interests in both global health 和 pediatrics.


As a UNE COM student, you have opportunities both in 和 out of the classroom. 你可以选择 参与 in our community to enrich your experiences in the classroom with practical applications. Browse through the list of more than 40 俱乐部和组织 that promote 健康的 lifestyles, professional growth, 和 ever-lasting friendships.

To aid in successfully maintaining school/life balance, you have access to 学生支援服务 在比德福德校区. Ranging from tutoring to health appointments, 和咨询, we recognize that there are many factors that lead to your success 和 have structured our services based on this belief.

We pride ourselves on being student-centered, student-friendly, 和 family-friendly. As you embark on this new chapter in your life, 我们欢迎你加入我们的家庭, so that when you are here you are home.